Saturday 20 February 2016

All work and no play?

As I sit writing this blog, glass of wine in hand - full of cold! (typical as the holidays draw too an end) I am starting to think - Do I EVER truly switch off and relax?

Now switching off and relaxing is something that I truly struggle with. I always have to be active whether it be exercise/working or just socialising. Does anyone else have this issue?

So as I come to the end of my half term break I have spent some time reflecting of what I have actually done.

1) Worked with my partner - as I have mentioned in previous blogs our time together is sparse. Why sit on my backside at home on my own with the cat who sometimes decides he loves me, when I could be in the same vicinity and actually do something productive.

2) Relaxing two days away - which actually didn't consist in any kind of relaxation - but I suppose the freedom to do what I want and when is a bonus!

3) Planning - planning lessons and rehearsals for the next busy half term ahead which includes a full length dance production and exam preparation!

4) Well the list could go on, but you get my drift!

So this is where I question - Is it really All work and no play? Do we ever truly switch off and have down time?

On my own personal reflection of my week I would say "yes" I have the freedom of time, however I'm still being active and considering being productive and planning ahead - they do say "Fail to prepare, prepare to fail" don't they?

But is there a line? I'd love to hear your thoughts - Are you "All work and no play?"


  1. Hi Laura. This is a thought I consider often and I think about whether it differs between people that are self-employed and those that work 9-5 jobs. For me I know i struggle to truly relax as even when I'm not working I think I should be doing something, whether it be exercising or job hunting, to work towards my career and goals. But sometimes I find that can get to much and actually sometimes makes me less productive as I spend more time stressing than getting things done! So I really try to set a time where I completely switch off and make that my goal for being productive and getting stuff done. I set my self what I need to do in an evening with the reward of an hour of me time before I go to bed to watch tv or whatever I want to do. It doesn't always go to plan but I think its important to have time when you completely switch off and it helps your work in the long run.

  2. Thank you for bringing this up as its really made me think about how I use my time! I look forward to reading more of your blogs.

  3. Hi chloe, thanks for your comments :) and "yes" I do agree that it differs between self employed and 9-5 jobs. I am not self employed however work in a boarding school, which you can imagine is not 9-5! - also living within the school building also makes it very difficutl to switch off. However I do like the idea of making it as a reward before bed, and of course it doesn't always go to plan but at least if you have it in place it's a goal to work towards! - I look forward to reading your posts
