Friday 6 January 2017

Another Module Done!

As this module comes to a close, I thought it would be nice to do a concluding blog before I get back into the crazy new term that has just begun.

I feel that personally this module has been a bit of a roller coaster - from having firm ideas set in my head to changing direction and being unsure to then having a mini melt down days before submission over my ethics form! (you maybe able to tell from my writing that it is a bit erratic!)

A massive thing for me this term has been the support from talking to fellow students who are on the course. I have especially had a lot of contact with Lauren on module 2 and I think that she would agree with me that it has been so helpful to be able to talk to each other regularly and express our feelings ideas have discussion and most importantly somebody that actually understands the process.

One thing that I think I have slacked on a little this module is the blogging side of things, but I do think that this is because I have spent more time having personal conversations/email chats with different people, so I really don't think it has been at all detrimental to my experience of this module.

As if I don't already have enough to do with working and doing a degree. I decided that it was time to apply to do a PGCE in Primary education to commence in September and amazingly I have gained a place so deferring is not an option now haha! but it's all very exciting, but it has made me realise how much a WBL course has helped me to manage my time and think about things slightly differently. It was one of the things that interview panels commented on. Working so many hours yet still being able to complete a degree. I do actually feel quite proud of that.

I would like to hear how others have found their modules - whether they are 1 2  or just completing the whole degree, but for now time for a short rest from BAPP and get prepared for what is about to come in module 3!