Saturday 27 February 2016

Imagine Travelling Back In Time

How many of you have everything on electronic devises? your diary? work? important documents? banking? you get my drift.

Now I am as guilty as charged for this. - I can't remember the last time I actually went into my bank branch!!

I was having an interesting discussion the other day. How do we cope when all this (don't get me wrong) fantastic technology fails us? We seem to forget that there was a time when there wasn't super laptops and phones that did everything for us at the click of the button?

What happened to good old pen and paper? Is it wise that we do keep everything electronically and should we keep paper copies for reference?

Do you get extremely frustrated and mad when the technology fails? I know I do. Especailly with work. Now if everything goes down at work (which I'm afraid to say does happen quite a lot due to the location that we are in - the middle of no where!) we then can not acess anything. Registers - knowing who is in and out of the building. The email systm that is our main form of communication between staff. Resources to use for lessons. What happened to a good old chalk board?!

Now I am releatively young in all fairness, but I can't belive how much technology for education has developed since I left school four years ago! Ipads to use in lesson, online homework and much much more. Is it right that children should depend so much on technology? Should they be taught how to document information by hand? Should they be encouraged to read actual books rather than using Ipads/Kindles etc? What do you think? Personally I think they should, despite having access to all these wonderful things, I have to admit I do still like to write things down. Is this just me?

Have you ever actually thought in a time when you have been stuck due to having no technology - what used to happen?  They knew how to cope with out it, both professionally and socially because they did not have the luxery of these items. How many of you walk into a bar/resturante/hotel and try to hunt down the wifi code as a proity? -I know I have

So what do you think? Do we relay too much on these amazing gadgets that we are blessed with? How would you cope if you travelled back in time? - I'd love to hear thoughts and opinions.

Saturday 20 February 2016

All work and no play?

As I sit writing this blog, glass of wine in hand - full of cold! (typical as the holidays draw too an end) I am starting to think - Do I EVER truly switch off and relax?

Now switching off and relaxing is something that I truly struggle with. I always have to be active whether it be exercise/working or just socialising. Does anyone else have this issue?

So as I come to the end of my half term break I have spent some time reflecting of what I have actually done.

1) Worked with my partner - as I have mentioned in previous blogs our time together is sparse. Why sit on my backside at home on my own with the cat who sometimes decides he loves me, when I could be in the same vicinity and actually do something productive.

2) Relaxing two days away - which actually didn't consist in any kind of relaxation - but I suppose the freedom to do what I want and when is a bonus!

3) Planning - planning lessons and rehearsals for the next busy half term ahead which includes a full length dance production and exam preparation!

4) Well the list could go on, but you get my drift!

So this is where I question - Is it really All work and no play? Do we ever truly switch off and have down time?

On my own personal reflection of my week I would say "yes" I have the freedom of time, however I'm still being active and considering being productive and planning ahead - they do say "Fail to prepare, prepare to fail" don't they?

But is there a line? I'd love to hear your thoughts - Are you "All work and no play?"

Sunday 14 February 2016

CV's and more!

Now CV writing is something that I have ALWAYS struggled with. How do you know what to write? How long should it be? Should I list every single thing that I have already done/achieved?

I don't know about anybody else, but I came to look at uploading my CV on here for you all to have a nosy at and realised that the CV on my laptop was in fact, the one that I had been guided to do at sixteen years old at school and had not been updated since! Anyone else still got there's? poorly written, listing every single GCSE you had because at the time that was you're biggest achievement? Do you know the ones I mean?

Anyway after spending much time re jigging everything here is a copy for you to have a look at.

Laura Jayne Hopkinson  
Date of Birth:  14th December 1993
I am an honest, reliable, trustworthy person with good timekeeping skills, who works hard and is always willing to undertake any tasks asked of me to the best of my ability.  During my last year at school I was a prefect and deputy head girl
2015-2016 BA Honours BAAP, Middlesex university 
2013 -2015   Foundation Degree, Prestons College
 2012-2013         Foundation Course, Urdang Academy, London
2010-2012         The Brooksbank School, Victoria Road, Elland
 2005-2010         Holy Trinity Senior School, Halifax
Teaching      ISTD DDE in Modern Theatre
                    ISTD DDE in Tap Dance
ISTD DDE in Classical Ballet  
                    Exercise to Music
 ‘A’ Levels         Performance Studies       B
                          English Literature            D
                          Biology                            D
                          11 GCSE Grades A*-C including Maths and English Language
2003-2015         Footsteps Theatre School, Bradford
At theatre school I took classes in all forms of dance as well as singing.  In addition I helped out, on a voluntary basis, with the teaching of students aged 4 to 18 years old with a wide range of abilities and covered classes for the teachers when they were unavailable.  I also did admin work as and when required.
2007-2012         Baby Ballet, Halifax
I started work at Baby Ballet helping out in the shop, which involved processing and packing orders and taking card payments.  Then I progressed to being a Party Host where I was responsible for setting up parties, preparing food and ensuring that the children and parents were happy during the party.  Once the party was over I had to make sure that everything was clean and tidied away.
During my time at Baby Ballet I have dressed up as all three of their mascots (bear, fairy and cowboy) and at the Baby Show at the NEC, Birmingham I performed on stage dressed as Twinkle, the Baby Ballet bear.  I also performed as a backing dancer for Darren Day at the Baby Ballet Charity Ball.
2012-2013 Mystical Fairies Hampstead
During my time at Mystical Fairies, I was a party assistant. - This meant carrying out duties to assist the main party host. Similar duties to what I had performed in my previous employment. I also worked at charitable events such as Christmas parties and Great Ormond street hospital.
2014-2015 The Plummet Line Hotel, Halifax
I started working at the Plummet Line as a member of the bar. This lead to duties such as serving food and drinks to customers and gaining skills in customer services. Here I was in charge of the charity events that we held at the pub.   
In my spare time I enjoy distance running, with my greatest achievement to date being the completion of the Yorkshire Marathon.

Now I feel in my very short lifespan of twenty two years I have managed to do a variety of different things professionally however they do still (minus the pub!) all link. I'd love to see the variety that is on CVs of others!

But for now I shall leave you with this!

Wednesday 10 February 2016

Is performing the key?

Now this blog that I am about to post is a constant battle that I have had over the years with few people. Don't get me wrong everyone has always had my best intentions at heart, however it is something that I would love to hear other people's views on.

As a young teenager I was adamant that I was going to be on the West End. Eight shows a week performing in the heart of theatre land. So I worked my backside off and did everything I did to succeed in my goal.

Teaching is something that I had always had an interest in and have always loved to do. Now I have been extremely fortunate and owe a lot to my first teacher for giving me so many opportunities to be able to teach and assist classes from a young age, and as a young naïve teenager I added into my life plan "I'll teach later on when my West End career is over"

So at Eighteen bags all packed off I went to London. Now I wasn't lucky enough to gain funding for any of the three year courses that I was accepted of, so opted to do a one year foundation course to be able to work even harder and maybe gain that help of funding (This is also a topic that I will  be discussing in a later blog)

After a year of blood sweat and many tears, I was lucky enough to gain places on many three year musical theatre courses, however was still not entitled to any funding. Time for plan B

Now I did think very long and hard about this - but I took the decision that I no longer wanted to perform and I wanted to go down the teaching route. Deep down my passion was teaching. I love to see how you can help students improve and when a student "gets it" with your help for me is the best most rewarding feeling you can have.

Now I had many mixed responses to my decision "You should still go off and perform Laura! - think about the experiences you can pass on" "You can always teach - you can't always perform" - and many comments along those lines.

Obviously I knew that everyone had my best intentions at heart - however being a fiery stubborn red head I stuck to my decision and pursued with my teaching, and if I hadn't of done that I would be were I am today with the job that I have and love.

Do I regret not performing? No I don't not one bit. Do I think that if I would have performed it would have made me a better teacher? Absolutely not. If you are passionate enough and can get the message across to your pupils and share that passion that I still have and always will have for dance then surely that is all a student can ask for.

I do believe that no matter what, if you put your heart and sole into and share your passion with your students, then surely that it all they could want?

I would love to hear some thoughts and opinions on this!   

Saturday 6 February 2016

Lets Begin

Well I'm not sure how anyone else is feeling? but I THINK I have just about got my head around what I am about to embark on.

Now yesterday was just "one of those days" you know the kind I mean? - and it all began at 7.45am. So firstly I had a tap class which I had to combined two grades together, while people were trying to get fitted with new pointe shoes. I then (reluctantly) had my pointe shoe fitting - Another thing that I am trying to fit into my busy schedule. Completing my Advanced 1 Ballet. Anyone else ever ask themselves why?! haha!

Anyway back to the point, it then continued to my Games class strolling in all being miserable, tired and stressed about exams - which turned into a some kind of counselling session assuring them it would all be okay in the end! -Teenagers. Fellow teachers do you find that this sometimes happens? especially in small classes?

Well it then continued to a crazy class of boys, followed by a crazy pre school class with one little two year old screaming for the whole half hour! and to top it all off- Struggling to get the Skype to work for the induction!!

Despite it all I managed, well I didn't get to hear everyone - I grasp what was going on through typing and a frantic phone call to my friend after to catch me up and all was fine.

Now technology is NOT my strong point - Anyone else feel the same? and this is something that through this journey I am going to have to improve and develop for myself rather than having to phone my partner while he is at work "Matt how do I do this?"

BUT despite my "one of those days" yesterday, and after having a good sleep on it, I feel that I am ready and raring to get started on this journey, I don't know about anyone else?

I suppose all that s left to say for now is: "Lets begin"

Thursday 4 February 2016

Time is precious

"I wish there were more hours in the day" - A regular phrase I seem to say, and I'm sure upon reflection a lot of you will. "If only I had enough time to do this and that"

Now I am terrible for this, my days just always seem to run away with me and yes, while they maybe productive I just never feel like I have time to do anything!!! - Sound familiar?

This is something that drastically reflects within my personal life as well. My partner is a manager of a busy cocktail bar, and works silly hours. Quite like myself really apart from at opposite ends of the working day. I also work away so I actually only spend time with him one day a week.

How does this work? - I hear you ask. Well its difficult I can not deny that!. However we both have an understanding of each others jobs and how we work and accept that for the time being that is just how it is going to have to be.

So as you can imagine time is very scares between us. I always find myself say "I wish we had more time" or "Just one more day would be lovely" - which is back to subject of time. We may only have very little time together, and that time is extremely precious.

On this one day - we both try and leave work/studying behind however as you can imagine this is also sometimes quite difficult, but it is something that can be worked on.

Personally I think to have a work/life/study balance is key and is something that I have to really plan into daily life.

I think we should spend more time planning effectively our time so we can have this equilibrium rather than wasting the time worrying and stressing that we have no time!

After all time especially with the ones we care about is precious.