Wednesday 15 June 2016

The nerves of a teacher

I am aware that we are currently all resting and waiting for our module results, and our lives have returned to what I am sure are crazy busy schedules.

Now I am currently preparing students to take Ballet exams at the end of  this school term, and my nerves are shot at!!! preparing the students and making sure that they are sure of what they are doing and are up to the standard that they need for the exam I feel is one of the most daunting things that I have yet come across to date!

Have I done enough as the teacher to ensure that they are ready? is there more that I should have done? will they be okay? will the students feel that I have prepared them well enough?

Now I am not sure if all these thoughts are because I am still relatively new to putting students through exams or is this normal?

Would like to hear thoughts and opinions from others!