Friday 24 March 2017

Getting stuck in!

Last night I finally managed to catch up and have a chat with Paula.

 I don't know if anyone else has the same issue of being so busy you forget what day, week, month, time or year it is? well that is how I am currently feeling at the moment. However my Easter break is upon me, which is why my main focus has been completing my research before my holidays, as after Monday, I am then done for a month!!!! which is AMAZING for me, but not so good for research purposes! So it has been all systems go observing/interviewing/focus grouping!

I managed to discuss a couple of interesting points with Paula last night. One thing that we discussed was "discussion" Throughout this process I have managed to have a few really nice discussions without really realising!  Just about things such as the environment for play, and sparking up discussions about creating the right environment for play, and how these discussions then begin to develop and flourish for one of a better word. From these discussions, I have been able to delve deeper into my topic.

A discussion that I also had with Paula last night was the unpredictability of children! I had my focus group today as part of my research, and it was so interesting some of the things that they came out with! (some of it quite comical, but ever the professional trying to keep a straight face!) but they also came out with some really interesting points! (blog to follow later on tomorrow)

Anyway, I feel that I am quite on top of everything at the moment and really enjoying my literature reading, ( again blog to follow)

I would be interested to hear how people are getting on with analysing their data that they have received. I have not yet tackled this, and feel that it maybe a sticking point for me, however after having a chat with Paula last night, I think I am just going to get stuck in - give it a go and see how I get on.

Wednesday 15 March 2017

Finally Feeling Back On Track!

After a crazy couple of weeks at work which have involved putting on a production, preparation for ballet exams and Arts Award moderation, it's safe to say that I feel that I have dropped off the radar slightly with recording of my studies, and also indeed to where I was up too, if I was on track or not!!

Anyway after this evenings session with Paula and my fellow module 3's I am feeling so much better and encouraged that I am on track and for now (I say searching my flat for some wood haha!)

I will start by giving you the brief summary of where I am currently up too;

  • Continuing with literature and trying to delve further into looking in to the "Magical Realm" 
  • Focus Group permission letters sent home - This is planned for Next Friday 
  • Interviews taking place this week
  • Couple more observations to do 
  • Continual reflection in my journal. 

Tonight we had a really good discussion as to where we are all up to in the process and again referring to the stages of inquiry (I believe the image is on Paula's blog)

One exercise that I found extremely helpful to emphasise the importance of drafting was, that I tried to explain some of my research and link it to some literature or practitioner. Lois may then had to try and see if she understood what I was trying to say. Lois then asked me to repeat what I had said, and I re phrased it slightly differently. This is first degree drafting, and I didn't even realise it at first!

Some other vital points that I took away with me from today's session is to look for patterns in your research, common themes and key words that keep cropping up. Look for common looking themes. Take an idea and explain it more, don't be afraid to have a play around with your ideas. Try keep writing concise and to the point to don't make this sacrifice your explanation. Talk to people before you write, it's a massive help.

Finally I can honestly say that I am looking forward to all of this and keeping up with the research and seeing what I can discover! The small thing called the Artifact is looming at the back of my mind, however  I feel that once I have got all this research done dusted and analysed I can start thinking of a quirky interesting artifact!

Would love to hear how others are getting on whatever module you maybe.

Saturday 4 March 2017

Further to yesterday's post about the news.

Below is a link to video report about learning through play with lego and Cambridge university!!

Friday 3 March 2017

In The News This Week .....

For anyone who is looking at Learning through play, take a look at this that was in the news this week!