Friday 26 May 2017

And breath ......

Exactly a week ago today, I was sat right where I am now, in my office sifting through emails after having taught the 07:45 ballet class after a delayed train and not getting home till nearly 1am. As you can probably imagine, coffee was my best friend that day.

It's only after such a busy week, that I have had time to reflect upon the past 18 months and it is starting to sink in that it's all finished!! There have been times over the period where I have seriously asked myself what on earth am I doing? Did I seriously think that I would have time to do all this work? but do you know what it's all been worth it.

Finally thoughts on the oral presentation ..... after thinking that we were going to be sat in the corridor to do our presentation with no room to go too. It was all okay in the end! and also wasn't half as scary as I had built it up to be in my mind, but I was so glad that I was there in person. For me it did symbolise the end!

So from me - Congratulations!!!!! to all my fellow module 3 (I'll see you all at graduation) To the other modules, you may feel like there is no light at the end of the tunnel, but there is!!! keep going and it will be so worth it!!! :)

Monday 8 May 2017

Coming to the end .....

As we enter the final week of study time ( for the final submission on Friday eeek!!! ) I thought it would be an appropriate time to reflect on the past 18 months.

I am feeling a sense of achievement, not only for the fact that I have (hopefully) completed a degree, but that fact that I have also managed to juggle a full teaching timetable alongside boarding duties and fitting in trying to do work as and when. It has not been easy at times, and sometimes all I have wanted to do is curl up into a ball and forget about the whole thing. However, I have stuck with it through many tears and tantrums and the support from fellow BAPP students and people at home.

To all the module 3's I hope that you are enjoying this final week, and not feeling too stressed. I am looking forward to seeing what you have all been up to at the oral presentations next week.

To all other modules - good luck with the rest of your journey. Keep going there is a light at the end of the tunnel and it will all be worth it in the end :)

Saturday 6 May 2017

Something I think we will all appreciate

I've seen this floating around the past couple of days. Feel free to have a gander :)

Friday 28 April 2017

Remembering how far we have come .....

So as well as going through the re drafting process this week, I have also started to plan my oral presentation.

Presenting and speaking in public is something that I feel fairly confident about doing, however (again, ever the drama queen!) I have had another slight meltdown about this. (Anyone who is a regular to my blog, are you starting to see a pattern!)

Anyway as always I have had to take a step back and remember that yes, of course the oral part is so important, but it is a celebration of how far we havd come over that past year and what we have achieved, and from this what new adventures we will have.

I have taken some time this week to go over reader 7 yet again to double check that I have everything prepared and to ensure that I will be using the presentation in the the appropriate way.

I have to remember that although I may not always get my direct point across in my academic writing, this oral presentation is my chance to verbally explain what I have been doing and how I have been going about it.

I have to say I am really looking forward to the presentation day to be able to see and have an insight into what everyone else has been working on.

Thursday 27 April 2017

And the roller coaster begins again!!

Having received feedback from my draft, I have am now again going through that motion of OH MY GOODNESS....

Now if you hadn't already gathered, I am a bit of a drama queen and always think the worst and that what I have done isn't good enough, however I do think that is something to do with the industry I am in, and being creative. I do find that a lot of my friends who are involved in the Arts are also perfectionists and tend to get overly anxious when things are not just so...

However upon reflection (which I now seems to have fully got the hang of) things really are not as bad as they seem. A draft is a draft for a reason, so you can then go away and improve on it to make it better, and I do have to keep constantly keep reminding myself of this.

Another thing that I have found difficult (and I am hoping that I am not alone on this) is getting my point across directly in my writing. It is all there in my head, and then when I come to write it down in an academic writing style, I go to pieces. Very much like in an exam situation. Don't get me wrong what I write down makes sense, but I just seem to go all round the houses to get to the point, which can be and quite rightly. Very disjointed for the reader. I would be interested to know if anyone has a similar struggle and has a way of coping with this??

For now it's presentation prep! Hoping everyone is getting on okay!

Sunday 9 April 2017

Analysing, Reviewing, Reflecting, Drafting, (bringing it all together .... just about!)

So as I am nearing the end of my first draft, I just though I would do a quick little blog. :)

For me, the drafting process has been someone of a challenge, not because I didn't know what to write or how to write it. I just feel like I have so much information going on in my small little brain that I was struggling to get it all out and down in some kind of literate English! Anyone else felt like this? I am also feeling rather sorry for my poor boyfriend who has had to endlessly listen to me rant at him to help me re draft my writing. Now despite the obvious eye rolling and moaning from him, it's actually been a massive help being able to speak it out loud to someone first before writing it down.

The part which I have found the hardest (which I am sure I am not alone on this on!) is the literature review!! Now I have had a good bash at it, and I keep being really hard on my self as I know that it won't be perfect, but I have had to have strong words with myself and keep telling myself that this is what the drafting process is for! it's not going to be perfect right now!

Anyway that's just a quick little check in from me, would love to hear how others are getting on. Module 3's we are on the home straight!!!


Saturday 1 April 2017

When the pieces finally begin to fit ....

Luckily for me, this week is that start of my much anticipated month long break away from work! (however other work will be taking place during this time! "The home straight!) For now I am feeling relatively calm about the whole thing which is what I am going explain below, along side where I currently am in this whole process.

On Wednesday this week, myself, Lauren and Megan had a really good Module 3 lunch time session with Paula. Firstly we discussed where we were up to in the whole process and again going back to the image of the arrow, and what stages we were up too. We were all up too around stage 4 having completed research and onto bringing it all together and analysing our findings. However Megan made a really good point that she keeps going back to stage 2 and is still looking through literature, I am also still doing this, and that's okay. I am quite a logical person, and sometimes I find it really hard to go back to places as I feel that once I have ticked it off the list it is complete. This is a skill that I have definitely developed through these modules - it IS okay to go back and re - visit and look it to things further.

During this session, we also spent quite a bit of time looking into the word that I have been dreading up until now ....... the artifact!! I do believe that Paula has put the slides of her presentation up on her blog, but she gave us some really good examples and explained that the artifact MUST be to our audience, and we must be clear on what we were presenting and who we were aiming it at. e.g. fellow practitioners etc. We each had a turn at "rehearsing" what we potentially may like to do for our artifact and how we may present it. Only a very very rough idea, but again it highlighted the importance of drafting and re- drafting work.

A really good point that Paula made that when you think about it is so simple but so easy to forget! - put EVERYTHING in your bibliography, even if you haven't necessarily used it in your academic writing. It maybe a documentary that you have watched or a newspaper article you have read that may have given you some thoughts and ideas along the way.

So where am I up too. As I have mentioned in a previous blog, due to term dates and holidays etc my main focus up until now has been research! getting it carried out and sorted. I can now carry on and work my way through analysing this and getting it written up (Saturday afternoon job with a cup of tea!) but this week I have had what you may call an epiphany! (maybe a strong word, but I am going to go with the flow!) My analogy for this whole process is a jigsaw puzzle. You sit for hours and hours with a 500 piece jigsaw of the world and get frustrated as you don't know what goes where and you are all over the place. Then suddenly, after sometime it clicks and the pieces begin to finally come together!

Now I am not saying at all by any means that I have completed my jigsaw however, I do feel that I am well under way and under control with completing the puzzle. As many of you will know especially module 2/3 this feeling could change at ANY given moment, but for now I am going to enjoy it, embrace it and as we say in Yorkshire - "Grab a brew and crack on!"

Would love to hear how others are getting on what ever module you may be.

Friday 24 March 2017

Getting stuck in!

Last night I finally managed to catch up and have a chat with Paula.

 I don't know if anyone else has the same issue of being so busy you forget what day, week, month, time or year it is? well that is how I am currently feeling at the moment. However my Easter break is upon me, which is why my main focus has been completing my research before my holidays, as after Monday, I am then done for a month!!!! which is AMAZING for me, but not so good for research purposes! So it has been all systems go observing/interviewing/focus grouping!

I managed to discuss a couple of interesting points with Paula last night. One thing that we discussed was "discussion" Throughout this process I have managed to have a few really nice discussions without really realising!  Just about things such as the environment for play, and sparking up discussions about creating the right environment for play, and how these discussions then begin to develop and flourish for one of a better word. From these discussions, I have been able to delve deeper into my topic.

A discussion that I also had with Paula last night was the unpredictability of children! I had my focus group today as part of my research, and it was so interesting some of the things that they came out with! (some of it quite comical, but ever the professional trying to keep a straight face!) but they also came out with some really interesting points! (blog to follow later on tomorrow)

Anyway, I feel that I am quite on top of everything at the moment and really enjoying my literature reading, ( again blog to follow)

I would be interested to hear how people are getting on with analysing their data that they have received. I have not yet tackled this, and feel that it maybe a sticking point for me, however after having a chat with Paula last night, I think I am just going to get stuck in - give it a go and see how I get on.

Wednesday 15 March 2017

Finally Feeling Back On Track!

After a crazy couple of weeks at work which have involved putting on a production, preparation for ballet exams and Arts Award moderation, it's safe to say that I feel that I have dropped off the radar slightly with recording of my studies, and also indeed to where I was up too, if I was on track or not!!

Anyway after this evenings session with Paula and my fellow module 3's I am feeling so much better and encouraged that I am on track and for now (I say searching my flat for some wood haha!)

I will start by giving you the brief summary of where I am currently up too;

  • Continuing with literature and trying to delve further into looking in to the "Magical Realm" 
  • Focus Group permission letters sent home - This is planned for Next Friday 
  • Interviews taking place this week
  • Couple more observations to do 
  • Continual reflection in my journal. 

Tonight we had a really good discussion as to where we are all up to in the process and again referring to the stages of inquiry (I believe the image is on Paula's blog)

One exercise that I found extremely helpful to emphasise the importance of drafting was, that I tried to explain some of my research and link it to some literature or practitioner. Lois may then had to try and see if she understood what I was trying to say. Lois then asked me to repeat what I had said, and I re phrased it slightly differently. This is first degree drafting, and I didn't even realise it at first!

Some other vital points that I took away with me from today's session is to look for patterns in your research, common themes and key words that keep cropping up. Look for common looking themes. Take an idea and explain it more, don't be afraid to have a play around with your ideas. Try keep writing concise and to the point to don't make this sacrifice your explanation. Talk to people before you write, it's a massive help.

Finally I can honestly say that I am looking forward to all of this and keeping up with the research and seeing what I can discover! The small thing called the Artifact is looming at the back of my mind, however  I feel that once I have got all this research done dusted and analysed I can start thinking of a quirky interesting artifact!

Would love to hear how others are getting on whatever module you maybe.

Saturday 4 March 2017

Further to yesterday's post about the news.

Below is a link to video report about learning through play with lego and Cambridge university!!

Friday 3 March 2017

In The News This Week .....

For anyone who is looking at Learning through play, take a look at this that was in the news this week!

Saturday 25 February 2017

Catching up and moving forward!

After finally getting back into the flow of work life and everything else this week, I have finally managed to catch up with peers and paula very briefly!

Firstly this week I caught up with Lauren. We discussed where we were up too how we are feeling as we embark on module 3. It was so nice to finally catch up and discuss feelings of uncertainty at this present moment in time, but also the eagerness to get underway with what we are doing and researching. Despite looking into different topics we are still keeping regular contact as we have both found this really helpful throughout the second module, and I think I can say for both of us that it's really beneficial to speak through ideas with someone, and also feel that there is someone there if you are in a bit of a mad flap! 

Secondly this week (despite only being able to be there for the first 30 mins) we had the first module 3 session of the study period. We managed to discuss where we were all up too and our ideas thus far. One thing that I specifically took away with me was something that paula said "it's okay if things are still a little cloudy at the moment" I can relate to this as currently I know exactly what I am looking into however the end product is a little hazy, but I just need to keep telling my self that is fine for now. We also spoke about what else we are taking with us through this process I explained how when doing observation I am picking up tips and advise and reflecting upon it and will be taking some of these things with me when I commence my pgce course in September. I am planning to catch up with Lauren regarding the rest of the session. 

Finally I have finally managed to have a hat with Skye. We are looking at similar topics and have just found out a little ore about how we are each going about our research etc. We plan to meet again once we have under taken some research to discuss our findings and how we may plan to go forward. 

So it's been a pretty productive week for me!! Would love to hear how everyone else is getting on! :) 

Have a great weekend! 

Monday 20 February 2017

Feeling a little overwhelmed

So I'm not sure about anyone else, but I am for sure feeling a little bit overwhelmed with what is to come in the next 12 weeks or so!! anyone else feeling the same? whether you are just embarking on Module one, two or like myself about to start Module 3.

I think I do feel slightly more apprehensive as due to being unwell I missed the orientation sessions last week (typical over the half term!!) However, I have read some of the blogs that went up after the session which did ease my mind a little, and I do think once I have spoken with the rest of the Module 3's and Paula on Friday I will feel a little more on track.

I have managed to respond to my feedback and and starting to get under way with observations and such, but I feel like I just need to get cracking now.

I am also slowly hacking my way through some more literature too!

So here's a shout out; My inquiry title is: The Magical Realm: Exploring the Power of Play for Dance Teaching, and I am looking how this can benefit age groups other than pre school, going up to the upper key stage one age. So if anyone else is looking into a similar topic it would be great to have a chat and see what ideas you may have and what angle you are taking this from? Would be great to hear from you!! :)

Image result for learning through play

Friday 6 January 2017

Another Module Done!

As this module comes to a close, I thought it would be nice to do a concluding blog before I get back into the crazy new term that has just begun.

I feel that personally this module has been a bit of a roller coaster - from having firm ideas set in my head to changing direction and being unsure to then having a mini melt down days before submission over my ethics form! (you maybe able to tell from my writing that it is a bit erratic!)

A massive thing for me this term has been the support from talking to fellow students who are on the course. I have especially had a lot of contact with Lauren on module 2 and I think that she would agree with me that it has been so helpful to be able to talk to each other regularly and express our feelings ideas have discussion and most importantly somebody that actually understands the process.

One thing that I think I have slacked on a little this module is the blogging side of things, but I do think that this is because I have spent more time having personal conversations/email chats with different people, so I really don't think it has been at all detrimental to my experience of this module.

As if I don't already have enough to do with working and doing a degree. I decided that it was time to apply to do a PGCE in Primary education to commence in September and amazingly I have gained a place so deferring is not an option now haha! but it's all very exciting, but it has made me realise how much a WBL course has helped me to manage my time and think about things slightly differently. It was one of the things that interview panels commented on. Working so many hours yet still being able to complete a degree. I do actually feel quite proud of that.

I would like to hear how others have found their modules - whether they are 1 2  or just completing the whole degree, but for now time for a short rest from BAPP and get prepared for what is about to come in module 3!