Monday 20 February 2017

Feeling a little overwhelmed

So I'm not sure about anyone else, but I am for sure feeling a little bit overwhelmed with what is to come in the next 12 weeks or so!! anyone else feeling the same? whether you are just embarking on Module one, two or like myself about to start Module 3.

I think I do feel slightly more apprehensive as due to being unwell I missed the orientation sessions last week (typical over the half term!!) However, I have read some of the blogs that went up after the session which did ease my mind a little, and I do think once I have spoken with the rest of the Module 3's and Paula on Friday I will feel a little more on track.

I have managed to respond to my feedback and and starting to get under way with observations and such, but I feel like I just need to get cracking now.

I am also slowly hacking my way through some more literature too!

So here's a shout out; My inquiry title is: The Magical Realm: Exploring the Power of Play for Dance Teaching, and I am looking how this can benefit age groups other than pre school, going up to the upper key stage one age. So if anyone else is looking into a similar topic it would be great to have a chat and see what ideas you may have and what angle you are taking this from? Would be great to hear from you!! :)

Image result for learning through play


  1. Hi Laura, i am feeling exactly the same.. just starting Module 3! My topic is Exploring the effectiveness of engagement in Drama and Play as a Practitioner so we could have some common ground in research. Would you be up for a Skype at some point this week?

    1. Hi Skye,
      Yes this would be great!! I am around evenings after 8:30 Saturday evening and Sunday after 6:00, Are any of these times good for you? Let me know :)

  2. 8:30 Saturday evening sounds great! Really looking forward to speaking to you :)

  3. Good to see you both working with each other - essential to study and learning.
