Wednesday 16 March 2016

Reflections - is it useful?

After briefly scanning "Reader 2" I did question why would I want to keep a reflective journey? I have many other things that I have to remember in a 24 hour time bracket never mind adding more!!! Anyone else feel a little like this?

Anyway I decided that I would make a list of pros and cons towards it here are a few below;

* you can visualise what you have achieved that day/week
* helps you keep a track of what stil needs to be done
* a daily record that you can keep looking back on and refer too in the future
* interesting to see how much you actually do in a day- do you need to do more/less?
* a way for you to personally express feelings where it doesn't matter as its for your personal use

* time consuming
* if it's been a bad day is it just better to forget "tomorrow is a new day"
* do we need extra stress of jotting things down?

Now as you can see, I have got more pros than cons and I am going to give it a go and I will report back in a future blog as to how I find it, however I would love to hear if you find it a helpful tool to use. Honestly I am a little sceptical but always open to new ideas and ways of working.


  1. Hi Laura,

    I know what you mean about keeping a journal being time consuming!
    Why don't you use your voice memo on your phone then you don't have to physically sit and write everything out!
    That's what I'm doing then I'm going to listen to the recordings back and just write out what is the most useful and reflective bits .
    It won't take as long! You can store all your voice memos to a USB. I'm sure you could submit that just as well as an actual written diary ! X

  2. Oh wow, Charlie! I never thought of that. Could be so much easier on those days where I just don't feel like writing at all.
    I love writing but I decided to limit myself so I didn't get carried away and write War and Peace each day. I bought an A5 ring binder book. I have a page for Monday to Friday and half a page for Saturday and Sunday. If I really feel the need to use more space than what I have allocated myself then I can always staple a piece of paper in. I think that might happen on some Weekends. :)
